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LYC PRoject: Halloween Handout

Our KidCity Love Your City Project for the fall takes place on Halloween Night (Thursday, Oct. 31st!). Your kids have the opportunity to be a part of handing out 1,000 personal invitations to church all over Effingham County! View the INFO CARD HERE.

Each kid will be taking home a "Mega Bag" filled with 10 individual invitation packets that have info about KidCity, a full size candy, and a miniature Jesus figurine. They will get these bags on either Sunday, October 27th or Wednesday, October 30th. We will also be doing a ‘Be The Light’ Rally with the kids on Wednesday Oct. 30th to hand out the final bags to kids who haven’t gotten them, do a coordinating lesson, praying over the bags one final time, and ending with a pizza and movie party!

All bags should be handed out on Halloween night, Thursday, Oct. 31st. You can walk your neighborhood and hand them out, or you can hand them out from your door. We’re not asking you to dress up. In fact, if you’d like to wear one of your RCOG t-shirts, that would be excellent!

On a day that is filled with darkness, you have the opportunity to be the light!

Email Pastor Josh for any additional information.

October 19

CANCELED: Men's October Golf Day

November 2

Game Day: Mens Tailgate Event