Our Second Annual Camp KidCity is going to be a roaring good time! We're headed to the Rainforest for an Indiana Jones style rescue mission where kids will strengthen their faith and build friendships that will last a lifetime!
"I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4
The adventure begins on Friday afternoon (doors open for arrival from 4:00-4:30pm) where our second through fifth graders are invited to arrive with their sleeping bags as well as the additional items specified for a campout in the Family Life Center. If your child wants to participate in the event on Friday, they are required to stay the night and will not be permitted to plan to arrive and leave.
We will be serving the kids dinner this evening, as well as playing games, enjoying inflatables, watching a movie on the LED wall in the Worship Center, and more! We will also be serving our kids breakfast and doing an additional devotion with them prior to our Pre-K through First graders arriving on Saturday.
The fun continues on Day 2 with the arrival of our Pre-K through First graders! Doors open for this age group at 9:30am-10am for arrival and check-in. Please make sure your kids are ready for water activities and are wearing appropriate clothing. We will be doing outdoor water games, crafts, devotions, and will be feeding them lunch.
Pick-up for both age groups is 2pm on Saturday afternoon.
Cost is $30 per child staying the night on Friday evening through Saturday afteroon (2nd - 5th Grade only), $15 per child attending only on Saturday afternoon (Pre-K - 1st Grade).
We never want finances to prohibit kids from getting to participate. Please see a KidCity Staff member or Pastor Josh to see about scholarship options, if this is applicable to your family.
*This event is open to RCOG kids only, and is not opened to the public. Limited space is available.*
Things your kids should bring:
For Saturday only participation:
Arrive in pool clothes, and bring a change of clothes for after the event.
Sunscreen and/or bug spray (please make sure you kids have applied sunscreen before or upon arrival, as we will be starting water activities promptly.)
Beach Towel and Water Bottle, with names written on both for I.D.
We will be feeding them lunch, as well as snacks.
For Friday and Saturday participation, bring the above items in addition to:
Extra change of clothing, incase games get messy on Friday evening.
Pajamas, sleeping bag, pillows and blankets (Boys and Girls will be bunking in separate rooms of the Family Life Center).
Their Bible
Toiletries including deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. Students will not be permitted to use the shower facilities while on campus. Make sure they are clean upon arrival.
A duffle bag to keep everything inside.
Extra snacks and drinks, if desired; However, we will be feeding your kids plenty this weekend!
For additional questions, please email Pastor Josh.
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